Online Marketing - Engage and Motivate Your Online Visitors
Online Marketing
A successful online marketing campaign means more than driving clicks to your web site. NuTerra's marketing professionals know what it takes to attract qualified prospects, and convert those leads into sales. Whether you wish to sell products online, promote a service, generate leads, or simply increase brand awareness, NuTerra will customize a campaign with your specific objectives in mind.

E-mail Marketing

What is one of the first tasks you undertake when you arrive at the office? Chances are you read your e-mail. E-mail use is rising fast. According to Forrester Research, over 35 percent of Internet user time is spent with e-mail. What is most interesting is that we even check our work e-mail while on vacation and during the weekend. It has become a part of our every day lives.

Success in online marketing does not come from renting the right list and blasting out an ad to everyone on it. The basis of successful online marketing is the development of your own house e-mail list or lists. A "rented" e-mail list only benefits you one time. Your own e-mail list allows you to develop a long-term relationship with your online audience – to communicate with and market to them over and over. In online marketing, trust is the key element. Never abuse your relationship with your list members. Make sure that the e-mail you send them is relevant and offers value.

Our marketing professionals will work with you to create an online campaign to ensure that you deliver valuable information to your prospects and clients.

Search Marketing | Pay-Per-Click and Sponsored Ads

Pay-per-click and sponsored advertising can be very effective for some businesses. Many web development companies believe in pay-per-click advertising as a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. While pay-per-click advertising does relate to search engines, and can be very effective, it is actually different from how you go about optimizing your site to produce results in a search engines' organic results. The most important factor in pay-per-click positioning is determining if sponsored ads are worthwhile and choosing the right keywords to bid on. First, irrelevant keywords will be rejected, so choose only those keywords that relate to your site's content. Second, relevant keywords mean targeted traffic. Since you're paying every time a searcher clicks on your site, it's crucial to make sure that every click is worth the money.

The cost of a top position for a given keyword is also a factor. Try to find inexpensive keywords that relate to your site. If you can't afford the number-one position for a given keyword, being fifth can still pay off.

Our marketing professionals will work with you to determine the most beneficial and cost effective method to implement your pay-per-click campaigns.

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